Elected Officials Remuneration Review

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2019 Elected Officials Remuneration Review

The final report from the Elected Officials Advisory Committee (EORAC) is a comprehensive document that supports the presentation provided to Council in November 2019.  The report outlines in detail the methodology used and the justification to support the recommendations. 
Council’s decision to have the County Manager strike an advisory committee made up of ratepayers to review and provide recommendations on the remuneration for elected officials is a transparent and fiscally responsible approach to achieve the policy direction for fair and fiscally responsible compensation for elected officials.
On March 3, 2020 Council directed Administration to incorporate the financial recommendations outlined in the EORAC report into the 2020 budget to review the implications.
The complete  2019 Elected Officials Remuneration Review outlines various recommendations the committee has made for salary and non‑salary components as well as periodic reviews.