High speed rural internet is critical for economic development, engaging in the digital economy, and
working or learning from home. For this reason, the County has partnered with MCSnet to
fund a 58 km extension of transit fiber cable within the County of Barrhead.
This project has greatly improved rural
broadband accessibility and helped work towards meeting the CRTC basic standards of 50 Mbps download and
10 Mbps upload speeds. This broadband project has extended new fiber optic service to the Barrhead
Regional Airport, the communities of Manola, Neerlandia, Thunder Lake, and the northeast side of Lac
La Nonne. Additionally, open access fiber connection has been provided to each lot in the Kiel Industrial
Water & Wastewater Services
County and Town of Barrhead are members of the Barrhead Regional Water
Commission (BRWC). Through the BRWC, the County provides water & wastewater services to residents and businesses in many areas of the County. The Kiel Industrial Park is fully serviced with water and wastewater connections, as are the communities of Neerlandia, Manola, and MacGill Estates (as well as properties along the main lines).
Both municipalities continue to invest in this infrastructure to ensure the needs of our residents and
businesses can be met.