Councillor Remuneration

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The County of Barrhead provides payment to the Reeve and Councillors as outlined in the Elected Officials Remuneration Review and Elected Official Remuneration Policy. The following documents show Councillor expenses including mileage, accommodation, transportation, training and other miscellaneous expenses.  
Elected Official Remuneration Reports: 

Elected Officials Remuneration Review (2019)
In April 2019, Council directed the County Manager to strike an advisory committee made up of ratepayers to review and provide recommendations on the remuneration for elected officials.  The goal of this review was to ensure a transparent and fiscally responsible approach to compensation for elected officials. 
In November 2019, the Elected Officials Advisory Committee presented their Final Report.  This is a comprehensive document that reviews and makes recommendations regarding elected official remuneration.  The final report also outlines the methodology used and the justification to support the recommendations. 
On March 3, 2020, Council directed Administration to incorporate the Report's financial recommendations into the 2020 budget.