Culverts serve an important function in the management of water flow. They are typically built under roads, approaches, highways, structures, or pathways to prevent runoff and allow the movement of water underneath. While most culverts in need of repair or replacement are identified by County maintenance staff, residents can also contact our office if they notice any drainage issues (780-674-2619).
The municipality will provide one approach per existing parcel adjacent to a developed roadway. In the case of subdivision of a parcel, the owner or developer must provide approaches to the municipality’s standards into the proposed and remainder parcels, at their cost. If a resident requests more than one approach to a parcel, it must be built to County standards, at the cost of the resident.
The construction of all approaches must receive prior approval from the Director of Infrastructure or Public Works Manager and shall only be constructed at locations for the safety of the traveling public.
All regulatory traffic control signage is inspected annually. If you see any signs that have been damaged, removed, or obstructed please call 780-674-2619.
Rural Address signs are provided for free by the County of Barrhead and clearly identify your rural address for emergency services. If you have a rural address sign that is damaged, peeling, or lost, contact the Public Works department (780-674-2619) for a replacement. If you need a new rural address number assigned, contact the development department (780-674-3331).
The County has care and control of 148 bridge structures and bridge sized culverts that are located on County roadways. These structures are inspected on a regular basis by a qualified bridge inspector. The County carries out a 5 year bridge replacement and repair plan in order to keep our structures in safe and functioning condition. If you have any bridge concerns or notice damage, please call the Public Works shop.
Hamlet Streetlights
County of Barrhead pays for the power to hamlet streetlights, and will approve or deny new requests for additional streetlights. Fortis Alberta is responsible for the operations and maintenance of streetlights.
Fortis Alberta has launched a Streetlight Repair Map. With this map, you can view streetlights in Fortis Alberta’s service area and request a repair online within minutes.